Install a front lace wig

Front Lace Wigs, are a type of wig that has a lace edge on the front part of the head. This tip allows the hairline to be perfectly concealed with the skin, creating a natural look.

There are different methods to install a front lace wig. In this article, we describe the most common method that requires the use of wig glue.

Materials needed

  • Front lace wig
  • wig glue
  • Comb
  • brush
  • Scissors
  • Mirror


  1. Wash your hair and dry it. This will make applying the glue easier.
  2. Apply and adjust the wig so that it is comfortable and the hairline matches the natural hairline.
  3. Apply a small amount of glue to the inside of the lace edge.
  4. Press the wig upside down and make sure the glue sticks well to the skin.
  5. Let the glue dry for about 20 minutes.
  6. Remove any imperfections with scissors.


  • For a more natural look, apply the glue to the front part of the wig only.
  • If you have long hair, you can tie the top of your head to prevent it from getting tangled.
  • If you have sensitive skin, you can try a non-ammonia wig glue.
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